Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wonna know?

I think that its time that i share this with everyone . I would love to answer a question that quite a number of people have asked me. George Kinuthia ...why dont you have a girlfriend? Well reader sit and relax cause am going to give you a number of reasons to why . Before i begin i would like to make it clear that i have had a number of girls who are my friends not girlfriends but friends who are girls. The first is : i have seen what relationships have done to people and i don't want that. I mean i never ever want to break a girls heart and be seen as a bad person. I also have a heart which they may break and dont want to spend precious time wailing and mourning over a person who is not dead ! That means that if i get a girlfriend and i will never break her heart ... Honey we may as well get married . FYI I still live with my parents ! For heaven sake am only 18 ! The next really is : i have a future to build for myself and not only for me but also for my future wife and children . For that i need to concentrate . The last thing i need is someone obstructing me from achieving this . Always on my mind , i cant sleep , cant concentrate in class , mum i cant eat . Honey take me shopping ! My going crazy ? Gosh that is just too much to handle! My mum supports and she always tells me that i should put my education as my number one priority and not to worry about the rest because God has a plan for everyone of us . I know that God has designated that special someone for me and Honey i know i havent met you yet but gal am doing all this cause i love and care for you ! The final reason is obvious ... am too young to have a girlfriend! Am not going to waste my allowance on you! Sorry i wont take you out cause am gonna miss Chowder and i havent even started yet on Lost season 6! Yes am childish, i watch too much Tv ,my butt swollen red from sitting 24/7 and am going past 70kg. Am proud of all this cause this is the George Kinuthia we know and love . Am not criticizing anyone with a gf or asking you to break up but do what you are doing ukiwa umejipanga ! Seco has changed me a lot and am not the innocent looking little angel that joined Changez in 07 'talk about changes '. Thank God we going to Uni and whatever happens there ... Well i dont know. If i lose my balance and break a couple of virginities ...what can i say? Well now at least you all know and i thank fb for giving me the opportunity to share what is in my heart to all who care . Now that that is over ...never ask me again why i dont have a girlfriend cause i carry this phone with me all the time and am gonna take it out and read this note out to y'all who WONNA KNOW !!

The 7 Wonders of George Kinuthia.

1. The mosquito that doesn't bite.-squashed it and there was no blood on my hands. 2. The mysterious chicken beast -only mum has ever seen it and says that it is black ,has a long tail and lives in the bush. Damn thing ate all our chicken. 3. The bodyless tongue rat that lives in our cooker-all we ever see is its tongue through the cookers holes trying to lick poured tea. 4. The anti-pothole road of Bamburi - the road is like 15 years old and i have never even seen a 1mm diameter pothole on it . 5. The chicken house that let in monitor lizards even when the doors were shut and all the gaps were covered. -still don't know how they used to enter (did they have a key?) 6. The Makupa causeway - Remember Mombasa is an island. You pass through no bridge or use a ferry and u find yourself in the island when you are from Nairobi. That's cause you used the Makupa causeway. If you are ignorant as i was you would think that you are passing through a road in the mainland when its actually artificial land! I still wonder how they built it. 7. The floating bridge of Nyali - believe it or not, the bridge literally floated on water! Never got to see it though as it was demolished before most of us were born. I wonder though what would have happened if a good hurricane hit Kenya! __ Ladies and gentlemen those are my 7 wonders, what are yours ?

Curse of the mountain bike : Part III

 At least now u r now starting to see why i think of these problems as a curse. They are so many i have had to write 3 posts! I'll try to wind up. First i am proud to say the bike is quite stable now. 1 problem free week. Okay so after the gear stuff was replaced, it never helped. I took it back and they told me that the chain needed replacing. My dad took the bike later and told them to take their filthy gear stuff off my bike and returned mine. After days of crappy riding, thank God the chain broke and was replaced . That at least reduced the frequency of the gear 'jumping' but never fully solved the problem even to today. Later i discovered that the back tyre had been loose for quite sometime. Because i remembered that the bike produced a grinding sound. My dad took it for repair and it was tightened. Just a few rides after the tyre was back to shaking like a loose tooth. He later took it back again and since his tightening never solved the problem, he was asked to replace that metal where the spokes are attached to. That seemed to solve the problem. Unfortunately the spokes were loosely connected and when i was riding' suddenly the tyre curved in like as if it had been hit by a matatu. My dad came to a conclusion that the bike repair guy was a quack and he took it to this place which i haven't know up to now. Well they did a good job. The tyre is as good as new. One week later the front wheel decided to loosen up pretty bad in such a way that you couldn't ride it. Well my dad a week later took it the magical repair man and the bike came back looking new. One week now, no problems save for a few gear problems here and there , but then again riding my bike has never been sweeter!! Thanks for reading.

Curse of the mountain bikes: Part II

I haven't written in quite a while so lets get right to it. I apologize to my readers for having to wait so long for part 2. Here it is. So my dad decided to ditch the first bike and went off to buy a second hand thinking that the price range was 2 to 4k . We however abandoned the thought of buying a new bike after hearing the prices. And what were they charging for those old , rusty bikes. 8k! We went off to buy a new bike at a familiar place. Yeah it was familiar cos call me stupid it was the same vendor who sold us my first bike. I decided not to tell my dad cos i was desperately in need of a new bike. Today i regret that decision! The bike was just 6k! When the deal is too good think twice! But the damn thing looked good n it still does. Made of shiny metal. So we took the days purchase home and i took it out for a test ride. On the way to the field i met some kids riding a borrowed bike. Since mine had a 'passenger seat' on the kids requested that i carry his friend n i did. We rode through some tall grass and up a hill. Suddenly the bike pedals felt loose and however how much i pedalled, the bike didnt move. I looked down and saw the chain. It had broke off! Luckily the vendor had told us that we could take the bike back anytime for repair. I returned the broken chain and it was replaced. Stupid bike! Spoiling on its first day of purchase! Yeah that was just the beginning. Before i rode it i had adjusted the seat to suit my height, but even after tightening it , the seat would easily move back and forth like a seesaw depending on where i applied pressure. Solution: i replaced the seat with that of the old bike. No more problems. After some days riding, problem no3. The right bike pedal , started getting loose and soon enough the part of the pedal where the feet is placed fell off. I tightened it with pliers. Days later it fell off, i got hold of a spanner n tightened it tight. That worked. Damn thing has never fallen of again. Later only a minor problem, the back mudguard become loose after the screws came off but i kinda used a hook and crook method to hold it back into place. The bike stayed problem free for sometime and was promising. The thing was fast and i could ride for long without fatigue. I even rode all the way to Shanzu n Mtwapa. For a good period of time, it was the best bike in the world and the bike of my dreams. It still feels like that once in a while nowadays. Holiday over! One day as i was riding to Shanzu, a new problem occured. The back tyre loosened. It became loose in a freaky way. I heard something fall and the bike started moving irregularly. I checked the back wheel. The two nuts were still tightly in place and tyre seemed to have been disconnected from the central metal cylinder as it moved loosely like a milk tooth. The bike was taken back to the vendor for repair. It was repaired. Unfortunately when my dad was putting the bike in the boot, the left gear changer broke. Like it broke into pieces. I tried riding it as it was but changing the gears using the right changer didnt seem to work. The bike was unridable. My dad told me that we would replace them with that of the first bike. I decided to do so on the second day only to discover that my dad had already ruined the right one. I opened up the left one and discovered why my dad had ruined the other one. Once u opened it, it couldnt put it back again cos of some spring, furthermore the changer was connected to the gear wire and thus to remove it meant removing the wire too. Cumbersome! My dad took it back to the vendor anyway. The gear changers were replaced and they still work ok. Next just after a few days after the back tyre had been repaired the front followed the same fate. It became a loose baby tooth so i replaced it with that of the first bike, remember the one that had a high quality tube? Yes that one. Oh it made it worse ! It reminded me of the crappy first bike that was so slow. Still up to today i dont know what makes it so slow. Even if you pedal your hardest, damn thing will just move like a wheelchair. I don't know why but it feels like there is some resistance at the pedals. A few km of riding leaves u exhausted like a goat. I persevered and on the next Saturday took the first tyre out and have it to my dad to take it for repair. That seemed to work. The only problem even after repairing the bike was the resistance when riding. It soon eased of a bit but pedaling became quite hazardous as the pedals will seem to get stuck and suddenly get loose and if riding too fast, this will cause your feet to leave the pedals and you loose control. This would occur once in a while but it started happening more frequently and the gear stuff and the back would seem to be jumping like as if something will get stuck ,pull it, let go and them get stuck again. My dad took for repair and we were told that it would require another gear machine stuff costing 250. That never seemed to fix it...

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


If its one thing that people have to learn is that you can never think of anything as easy til you try it. Standing in front of about 200 people and giving your views on an extract from the Bible. Its not easy. Let me assure you. On my first time to give a commentary i sacrificed a whole prep preparing what to say and before that i had tried all possible ways to avoid giving the commentary. Begged and even tried to bribe just so that they could do it as they were more experienced. Everything was in vain and the only option was to skive and join the protestants. I don't how know it happened but i found myself in the catholic chapel and when the time came i delayed for about a minute to see if the future YCS chairman, Kisn Metobo, could give on my behalf. One minute gone and nobody stood. It was now or never and when i heard sighs of impatience, i stood up and made my way to the altar.I looked around and was glad that i had gone to confession. Oh i wished i could die there and then as i was ready for heaven. But nothing. I had to be a man i had
to face my fears, i had to do! For real, i had to grow up. Show courage! I was looking down. I felt like my heart could pop out at any second. My limbs were shaking. My neck was glued to my chest and my tongue and lips were too heavy. I gave it a trial and looked up and saw faces desperate for a commentary and was glad. I felt something burn in me and i pulled out a piece of paper where and i had written some notes. I started but with a bit of stammering. Some laughs here and there and the involuntary repetition of the word yes. Before i knew it it was all over. The applause from the congregation made me smile and was reassured that i can be brave. Little did i know that i would became the House rep of Kinya in the YCS Committee. That means that am gonna do a whole lot of commentaries before i get replaced, OH GOD !!!

Curse of the mountain bikes: Part I

As i write this reader am so fed up and afraid that this problem aint gonna go away. I feel cursed ! Thats right... cursed. I dont know who did this but i have my suspicions cos am fond of attracting a lot of hate. And out of all the things that this witch/wizard chose to curse, it had to be my bikes ! WHAT THE HELL!! Shit! Eff ! Bloody bastard! Those are the only things that ensure that i don't go back to my pig hippo ogre self and then u jinx them! Who does that ! Btw i ain't gonna sit down and watch myself go back to that lousy life ! Let me get to it. I feel cursed cos my bikes keep getting damaged and even after repairing, a week doesnt pass and i have to return it. If u think am just being silly to think that those bikes are cursed , read the evidence below. I got my 1st bike a few years ago and all was well for a few weeks until it all started. One of the pedals fell off. Wtf! Never in my years of biking have i ever heard of a bike pedal falling off. I got it back on with pliers and the damn thing kept falling off after riding for a while. I took the bike for repair and the nut was tightened tightly with a spanner and i left the repairman sh10 richer for just tightening a nut!A day later and the pedal was at it again. I decided to live with problem and would carry pliers around when riding. Let me try to summarize cos this note can lead to a book. Next followed the daily punctures. I would take the bike 4 patching but i dont even ride the bike too far away from the shed and the tube bursts. My dad and i decided to add small strips of tube to the on top of the rims and the problem was solved. Recently my dad decided to take the bike for full servicing after he refused to buy a new one. I told him that the bike was too slow and hard to ride cos i would sweat like crap after riding for just a few minutes, one of the gear changers was broken and the front tyre couldnt stay inflated. After riding the bike after repair, i felt like i was riding a new ride! I rode to the estates field and i was riding back home and all over a sudden i couldn't move the bike. I tried to pedal but the damn thing wont move ! A friend of mine noticed and told me that one of the gears was broken and surely enough it was. Not just one but all except one were broken. My dad took it back and again it was as good as new. Oh that didnt last. After a few weeks of riding the puncture saga commenced. The first tyre got a puncture but it was no ordinary puncture, actually the tube's valve had come off in a way that you couldnt even glue it back. Dad bought a new tube and i replaced it. Its still there up to today. Just a few days later the back tyre continued the saga. I couldnt believe it! Its valve too had come off. Dad bought a new tube and just as usual i replaced it. I then filled it up with air. I then ecstatically got my self ready for a fun fine ride. Before i had even walked 10cm to my bike or say Jack Robinson. KABOOOM!!! My mum and everyone come running to my room fearing that i was dead only to find a devastated George Kinuthia mourning over a flat tyre. The blast was so loud that it took me a while to regain my hearing. Never been so scared ! On close examination of the tyre my dad came to the conclusion that the tyres were getting worned out and that the tube was getting exposed to the rough parts of the tyre and of course the murram road. That bike is now history and am looking at it right now. What is left of the bike tyre is just the skeleton and the rest of the bike is just busy gathering dust in my room. Pity ! Any interested buyers ? So after that story , are u convinced that this bike is cursed? If not, wait for part 2. My dad abandoned the bike and decided to buy me a new bike. What he didnt know is that the worst had just begun!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED ...

We made it unisex.

Parfum for men, lotion for men ,lip balm or is it lip care for men, ear rings or is it studs ... for men ,high heeled shoes for men ,Google if you don't believe me, hot pants short just like a miniskirt, only tighter and for men , thongs and i wont censor it, THONGS for men ! Eh! Am not yet done. In fact its about to get worse a whole lot worse ..... G-strings! Yes! Unbelievable wearable, comfortable G-strings for men! Girls, how does that sound ? Boys .....a..aa...I thought so too! You want to hear more ? Okay. Lets see ... Girdles, yes, girdles for men. From the men's section of Victoria Secrets . Am yet to prove that, so i could be wrong . Skinny jeans . Skinny jeans for men . You guys approve of that, but i am not going to share a wardrobe with my sister for the sake of fashion !! Those things are inappropriate wear, to wear only when sleeping. Girls have a figure to show you know ! Salons these days are unisex. There are even male hairdressers. And fashion is no longer a female profession . Honestly men make better ladies' wear since they know what women will look good in. Make up. Men are buffing themselves up with that stuff nowadays . If you don't believe me ask the news anchors. Or just Google. House-grooms if that is the opposite of housemaid and they have been there for quite some time. The business of cooking has always been unisex. Pedicures: I have seen it with my own eyes, shocked my mum, a man giving another a pedicure! Am hoping pink still belongs to girls.We don't want it! Saying 'Real men wear pink', you must be on crack!  Trust me when i say women prefer a male gyna ,ask them! Or rather ask my mum. Or your mum. Whether you are impressed or not , we made it unisex!!

Monday, 2 April 2012


Man i feel like i have been a prostitute all those years. Used like a prostitute ! And me shamelessly stupid and quick and easy to convince and deceive . All those that have used me you know yourselves. Guys why did you do that to me? Why do you do that to me? What have i ever done to you! Damn it ! Taking advantage of my good heart and generosity. I almost destroyed my legacy in school because of what someone did that i thought he will never ever do. Bitch knows himself . I need not mention names. I have never realized that i have been this used. I feel like a rag man! Like the remains of sugar cane after sucking it dry! Man now i have trust issues. Thank God i don't have many friends. I would be dead by now! I don't  know if am a magnet of deceive but everyone seems to do it . Family and even friends . Oh they know themselves ! Am not just gonna sit here and do nothing about it, but am gonna change ! I was told at school that my good heart will be my destruction! Am sorry for the one i hurt because of my actions . Imagine being told by a person that you ruined their year ! Am cursed ! Cursed with a forgiving heart ! For that am not going to curse any one . I forgive them . But am not ever going to be deceived ever again! God forbid. Hallelujah Amen!! Am changing. Am no good no more . You assist someone, they turn into devils . Help someone drowning, i could be rescuing a murderer . Am sorry but for those who are guilty. Its your fault ! You have ruined me! But remember....... Gods watching!!!

Under Pressure

Now am pressurized and i have got just 10 more years to make things right. Men days are passing. Men weeks are just like seconds these days. I feel like am back in school counting days and rushing to meet the deadline. Why all these you ask. Well i recently attended an all males seminar and during then, a boy asked the men the appropriate age for marriage. What i remember hearing is ' boy you better get married before 28 if not probably you wont enjoy your retirement.' Well this is bad news for me. I have never had a relationship since i left my mothers womb. Recently some boys wanted to know how many girlfriends i had at high school and i felt ashamed, stupid and weird telling them none. Please guys i know what your thinking but the only reason i have never bothered is cos i think its stressful and there is nothing i hate more than seeing a broken heart. And i cannot tolerate living with a rust bucket yet i don't want to see a break up. I don't know what to do. My head is bursting with pressure! I have never approached a girl and told her i love her. I don't know how it feels to have a relationship and i cannot even differentiate between love and lust. Am kinda of a lustful kind of guy and i know it will put me in trouble someday and divorcing is a sin. If it's having relationships, i better start now cos practice makes perfect but still no sex until marriage. I know am under pressure! What i heard is that its only abnormal and useless men who don't get married. But i don't wanna mess up! I believe that God has designated the right someone for me out there. If its means waiting ........... am patient!


Sometimes i really wonder if i even like her ...I mean love her. She used to be like the only something in my nothing or was it just because she had this striking resemblance with my crush miles away who i held hopes to see and open my heart to and express myself more than i have ever done and get off this burden, these heavy fumes that won't let me breath. I tried to tell my sister about her but it was futile, Oh my sister thought otherwise. But this girl was and is special to me. I have watched her grow back then when she was a nuisance, a baby but astonishingly the most beautiful girl i had set my eyes on. I remember that she is the only girl i mostly talk to others about but  i don't know why. Oh i try to figure out this everyday but i only get a headache. Oh i try to get her of my mind and this just gets me more frustrated and my head aches the more. What am i saying! I haven't even had the chance to talk to her & am so preoccupied about my own feelings i forgot about hers! Oh! Does she or not feel the same? That's the question.

Thursday, 8 March 2012



1 ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL  National  276  A-  81.783  KIAMBU
2 MOI HIGH KABARAK        Private    272  A-  79.862  NAKURU
3 PRECIOUS B. RIRUTA      County    135  A-  79.604  NAIROBI
4 KAPSABET BOYS            National  249  A-  79.062  NANDI
5 MASENO SCHOOL           National  237  A-  78.701  KISUMU
6 MOLO ACADEMY             County    50  A-  77.270  NAKURU
7 STRATHMORE SCHOOL     Private    78  A-  77.060  NAIROBI
8 CHAVAKALI HIGH SCHOOL National  287 A-  77.005  VIHIGA
9 MARYHILL GIRLS HIGH      National  185  A-  76.826  KIAMBU
10 KENYA HIGH SCHOOL      National  205  A-  76.030  NAIROBI
11 MURANGA HIGH             National   187  A-  75.916  MURANG'A
12 NAIROBI SCHOOL           National   283  A- 75.602  NAIROBI
13 ST.ANTHONY'S BOYS'     County    237  A-  75.311  TRANSNZOIA
14 ANESTAR BOYS LANET    Private     81   B+ 75.128   NAKURU
15 PIONEER SCHOOL           Private    115  B+ 75.097   MURANG'A
16 ST BRIGIDS KIMININI     National    173  B+ 74.924   TRANSNZOIA
17 STAREHE BOYS'            National    208  B+ 74.757   NAIROBI
18 ST. FRANCIS GIRLS       County     254   B+ 74.633   SIAYA
19 MOI TEA GIRLS             County     94    B+  73.962  KERICHO
20 MARY MOTHER - GRACE Private      22    B+  73.588  LAIKIPIA
21 LORETO LIMURU            National    180  B+  73.586  KIAMBU
22 STAREHE GIRLS'            National     76   B+  73.418  NAIROBI
23 WAMY HIGH SCHOOL     Private     94     B+  73.414  NAIROBI
24 MOI GIRLS' - ELDORET    National   214   B+  73.333  UASIN GISHU
25 ALLIANCE GIRLS'           National    250   B+  72.902  KIAMBU
26 MANGU HIGH SCHOOL     National   211   B+  72.792   KIAMBU
27 NAKURU GIRLS'              National   156   B+   72.730  NAKURU
28 KISII HIGH                    National   323   B+   72.266  KISII
29 SUNSHINE SECONDARY   Private     228   B+   72.148  NAIROBI
30 LIGHT ACADEMY            Private     26     B+   72.141  NAIROBI
31 KIANDA SCHOOL             Private     47     B+   72.105  NAIROBI
32 UTUMISHI BOYS             National   192    B+   71.651  NAKURU
33 KANGA HIGH                  National    295   B+   71.612  MIGORI
34 FRIENDS KAMUSINGA       National    284   B+  71.533  BUNGOMA
35 CHEMELIL SUGAR            Private      88    B+   71.386 KISUMU
36 SEGERO ADVENTIST        Private     182   B+   71.048  UASIN GISHU
37 MARY MOUNT                 County    137    B+   70.644  NAKURU
38 NAKURU HIGH SCHOOL     National   193    B+   70.577  NAKURU
39 PRECIOUS B. - KILUNGU    County     98    B+   70.551  MAKUENI
40 LIMURU GIRLS'               National     217   B+   70.536  KIAMBU
41 MOI GIRLS' NAIROBI        County      225   B+   70.415  NAIROBI
42 LENANA SCHOOL            National     248   B+   70.333  NAIROBI
43 PANGANI GIRLS              National     282   B+   70.281  NAIROBI
44 ST JOSEPH'S RAPOGI      County      207    B+   70.218  MIGORI
45 MOI SIONGIROI GIRLS'     County     155    B+   70.123  BOMET
46 MAASAI HIGH SCHOOL     Private      24     B+   69.751  KAJIADO
47 AGORO SARE HIGH          County     196    B+    69.737  HOMA BAY
48 KANYAWANGA SCHOOL    County      202   B+    69.676  MIGORI
49 ASUMBI GIRLS                National    235   B+     69.307  HOMA BAY
50 KYENI GIRLS'                  County     139    B+   68.673  EMBU
51 NEW DAWN ORPHANS       Private     21     B+    68.591  LAIKIPIA
52 LITEIN HIGH SCHOOL       County     257     B+   68.409  KERICHO
53 ST. MARY'S BOYS           Private     107     B+    68.362  NYERI
54 BAHATI GIRLS                County     90     B+     68.305   NAKURU
55 BARDING SECONDARY      County     150    B+     68.285  SIAYA
56 SOUTH TETU GIRLS'        County     97     B+     68.071   NYERI
57 KAGUMO HIGH                National     233     B     67.992   NYERI
58 NYANGWA BOYS'            County     106     B     67.959   EMBU
59 MAHIGA GIRLS               County     178     B+    67.956  NYERI
60 METEITEI BOYS              County     139     B+    67.902  NANDI
61 MAKINI SCHOOL              Private     55     B+     67.872  NAIROBI
62 SACHO HIGH SCHOOL       Private     153     B     67.870 BARINGO
63 NYANG'ORI BOYS             County     220     B+   67.762  VIHIGA
64 NYAMIRA GIRLS               County     233     B     67.724  SIAYA
65 ST. CHARLES LWANGA      County     82      B     67.722  KISII
66 NJIIRI SCHOOL                County     264     B     67.626  MURANG'A
67 THOME BOYS                  District     22     B     67.610   LAIKIPIA
68 LIGHT ACADEMY              Private     21     B+     67.594  MOMBASA
69 ST. PETER'S MUMIAS       County     248     B    67.574   KAKAMEGA
70 KISIMA  MIXED               Private     34      B     67.480   NYANDARUA
71 NYERI HIGH SCHOOL        County     244     B     67.241   NYERI
72 SING'ORE GIRLS              County     159     B   67.147  E.MARAKWET
73 METKEI SECONDARY        County     113     B     67.006 E.MARAKWET
74 KISUMU GIRL'S               National     257     B     66.903   KISUMU
75 BUNYORE GIRLS              National     266     B     66.894   VIHIGA
76 UPPER HILL SCHOOL         County     225     B     66.854    NAIROBI
77 NYAHURURU ELITE           Private     66     B     66.614    NYANDARUA
78 NAIVASHA GIRLS            County     142     B     66.598     NAKURU
79 KAPSABET GIRLS             County     191     B     66.513     NANDI
80 ST. MARY'S GIRLS IGOJI   National     146     B     66.280     MERU
81 BURUBURU GIRLS             County     167     B     66.270     NAIROBI
82 ST. MARY'S YALA            County     235     B     66.201     SIAYA
83 ST.PETER'S SEMINARY     Private     49     B     66.193     KAKAMEGA
84 NGUVIU BOYS                County     169     B     66.186     EMBU
85 MOI FORCES NAIROBI      National     230     B     66.050     NAIROBI
86 ST.CLARE GIRLS' ELBURGON Private    81     B     65.993     NAKURU
87 KARIMA GIRLS                  National    226   B     65.987 NYANDARUA
88 MOI FORCES LANET          National    190    B   65.962    NAKURU
89 TURBO SCHOOL               Private      21     B    65.914  UASIN GISHU
90 RAMBA SECONDARY         County     207     B     65.909     SIAYA
91 SHEIKH KHALIFA             Private     161     B     65.880     MOMBASA
92 ST. GABRIEL'S LANET      Private     24     B     65.695     NAKURU
93 MBITA HIGH SCHOOL     National     183     B     65.626     HOMA BAY
94 VANESSA GRANT GIRLS  Private     32     B     65.567     NAKURU
95 MATERI GIRLS              Private     83     B     65.437  THARAKANITHI
96 MARIA SOTI GIRLS        Private     27     B     65.434   E. MARAKWET
97 NYAHURURU ELITE        Private     47     B     65.245     LAIKIPIA
98 MAKUENI BOYS             National     245     B     65.127     MAKUENI
99 ORERO BOYS                County     185     B     65.065     HOMA BAY
100 APOSTOLIC CARMEL     Private     74     B     65.039     NAIROBI