Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Curse of the mountain bikes: Part I

As i write this reader am so fed up and afraid that this problem aint gonna go away. I feel cursed ! Thats right... cursed. I dont know who did this but i have my suspicions cos am fond of attracting a lot of hate. And out of all the things that this witch/wizard chose to curse, it had to be my bikes ! WHAT THE HELL!! Shit! Eff ! Bloody bastard! Those are the only things that ensure that i don't go back to my pig hippo ogre self and then u jinx them! Who does that ! Btw i ain't gonna sit down and watch myself go back to that lousy life ! Let me get to it. I feel cursed cos my bikes keep getting damaged and even after repairing, a week doesnt pass and i have to return it. If u think am just being silly to think that those bikes are cursed , read the evidence below. I got my 1st bike a few years ago and all was well for a few weeks until it all started. One of the pedals fell off. Wtf! Never in my years of biking have i ever heard of a bike pedal falling off. I got it back on with pliers and the damn thing kept falling off after riding for a while. I took the bike for repair and the nut was tightened tightly with a spanner and i left the repairman sh10 richer for just tightening a nut!A day later and the pedal was at it again. I decided to live with problem and would carry pliers around when riding. Let me try to summarize cos this note can lead to a book. Next followed the daily punctures. I would take the bike 4 patching but i dont even ride the bike too far away from the shed and the tube bursts. My dad and i decided to add small strips of tube to the on top of the rims and the problem was solved. Recently my dad decided to take the bike for full servicing after he refused to buy a new one. I told him that the bike was too slow and hard to ride cos i would sweat like crap after riding for just a few minutes, one of the gear changers was broken and the front tyre couldnt stay inflated. After riding the bike after repair, i felt like i was riding a new ride! I rode to the estates field and i was riding back home and all over a sudden i couldn't move the bike. I tried to pedal but the damn thing wont move ! A friend of mine noticed and told me that one of the gears was broken and surely enough it was. Not just one but all except one were broken. My dad took it back and again it was as good as new. Oh that didnt last. After a few weeks of riding the puncture saga commenced. The first tyre got a puncture but it was no ordinary puncture, actually the tube's valve had come off in a way that you couldnt even glue it back. Dad bought a new tube and i replaced it. Its still there up to today. Just a few days later the back tyre continued the saga. I couldnt believe it! Its valve too had come off. Dad bought a new tube and just as usual i replaced it. I then filled it up with air. I then ecstatically got my self ready for a fun fine ride. Before i had even walked 10cm to my bike or say Jack Robinson. KABOOOM!!! My mum and everyone come running to my room fearing that i was dead only to find a devastated George Kinuthia mourning over a flat tyre. The blast was so loud that it took me a while to regain my hearing. Never been so scared ! On close examination of the tyre my dad came to the conclusion that the tyres were getting worned out and that the tube was getting exposed to the rough parts of the tyre and of course the murram road. That bike is now history and am looking at it right now. What is left of the bike tyre is just the skeleton and the rest of the bike is just busy gathering dust in my room. Pity ! Any interested buyers ? So after that story , are u convinced that this bike is cursed? If not, wait for part 2. My dad abandoned the bike and decided to buy me a new bike. What he didnt know is that the worst had just begun!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED ...

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