Monday, 3 March 2014


100% working IDM version 6.18.12 cracked with patch!!
Download from link below: Wait 5s then click ad. Click Regular download. Wait 30s. Enter the Captcha displayed in solvemedia and click continue. Click regular download by browser. Now the download can begin. Please be patient. In case of problems inform me.

Saturday, 15 February 2014


For a complete list of KCSE 2010 results for all schools and students in Nairobi County/Province , download the PDF below. Click any of the links. In case of any issues comment below.                               

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

How to remove virus turning files and folders into shortcuts. 100% working.

I'll go straight to the point.
1. Download the files below. You'll need them. Wait for 5s then click SKIP AD.

i. Smadav antivirus    link:
ii. Everything.exe       link:

2. Install both softwares.
3. Using Smadav scan your computer (harddisk ,registry etc) ,flashdisk/memory.
4. DON'T click fix all yet. That won't get rid of the virus. Trust me.
5.Open taskmanager (Right click taskbar)
6. Click processes tab. Look for wscript.exe.
7. Right click it. End process
8.Click Start . Search for msconfig
9.Look for wscript (under command) . Untick it. Click OK.
10. Now you can go back to smadav. Click virus tab.
11. Look for a path starting with C:\ or D:\   or whichever letter your hard disk is. Look at the whole file path is you will see the name of a file ending with .vbs. Copy or memorise that name.
12. Open Everything.exe and paste the name of the file.
13. Is should have an S kind of icon and there should several of them. It should end .vbs.
14. Click to select. Press and hold Shift then press delete to delete them completely. Delete all of them!!
15. Now you can go back to smadav and click fix all.
16. If it shows error . Don't worry. Thats because there is no longer any virus to delete.

THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! If you got any queries please do comment below or you can email me .. and if I have been of much much help, you can help me raise some cash for a laptop below. Thank you guys!!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Matatu Sticker jokes / quotes.


 Well Kenyan matatu's are known for their rather rude but wise sticker quotes/jokes. Here are some of them, feel free to add more:

  1. Usilete stress kwa gari.
  2. Usifungue madirisha, ungetaka upepo ungebebwa na bodaboda.
  3. Kama una haraka ungesafiri jana.
  4. Hakuna stage ya kumi,kula ndizi kisha ganda kalia uteleze mpaka tao
  5. Kama una haraka sana shuka ukimbie
  6. Songea mwenzako starehe ni kwa wheelchair
  7. Wauliza konda, iko kiti? Kwani wengine wamekalia ndoo
  8. Kulipa ni lazima Change ni ukikumbuka
  9. Dere ana bibi,konda anatafuta
  10. Kulipa fare kwa mwanaume ni kawaida lakini msupa tunaeza ongea
  11. Marehemu alituacha kwa kukosa kufunga mshipi kama wewe
  12. Unajifanya mkali kwa gari na kwako wewe ni bubu
  13. Ungesikiza mwalimu ukiwa shule saizi ungekua na gari yako
  14. Derefa ni yesu makanga ni saitani
  15. Hatusemi wewe ni mnono lakini ukikalia viti mbili ..
  16. Kushuta ni sare, kutapika soo
  17. Kupanda ni popote kushuka ni stage
  18. Kama inzi angeacha ujinga,angetengeneza asali 
  19. Ati mwisho wa gari ni hapo, Kwani ikipita hapo inakuwa ndege
  20. Ukiona fare iko juu ndiyo mwanzo wa msoto shuka ukimbize barabara
  21. Salimia huyo ako kando, kukatiana ni mkishuka!
  22. Msongee kidogo dere anashuka pale mbele uketi
  23. Hata ukipimwa sitaki!
  24. If you miss the driver, kiss the conductor
  25. Heri kununua MATATU kuliko kuoa BIBI Mkorofi!
  26. Ati hakuna kiti? Kwani hawa wako hapa wamekalia mikembe ya rangi
  27. Hata maji chafu huzima moto
  28. Kama gari iko na joto ,shuka upande fridge
  29. Nyamba ukitoka
  30. Kama hujanunua hapa usikulie hapa
  31. Ukichengwa tulia!
  33. mbuzi kala mkeka,wadaku mtaketi wapi?
  34. Dere ni waya,konda ni faya..we huwesmek!
  35. Hakuna stage ya hapo dere. 
  36. Hata ukipimwa hakuna dawa
  37. Starehe ya gari ni kupanda nyuma.
  38. Dere ako sawa, konda fitty kabisa mbona wewe ni sumbua?
  39. Mapenzi kwa gari ni wanne wanne ka orbit!
  40. Unaringa na haujapimwa
  41. Dere ni moto, Konda ni wazimu, usituletee stress kwa hii gari!
  42. If the music is too loud then you are too old
  43. Unajifanya ngombe ukamuliwe na nani?
  44. Mzee ni wewe!
  45. Ukitaka kuketi starehe,nunua gari yako! 
  46. Unajifanya asali ulambwe na nani?
  47. Si ati ni gari haina mbio ,jam ndiyo kubwa
  48. Makosa ya marehemu ni kuwa hakutumia juala.
  49. Kama utamu waua,sumu ya nini?
  50. Usiharakishe dere...wee ndio umechelewa
  51. Mdomo mkubwa chapati waikunjia nini?
  52. More seat upstairs
  53. Usitoe viatu kwa gari!
  54. No calls please sms only
  55. Juzi sare,,
    Jana sare,,
    Acha aibu.!
    Lipa leo!