Do you have thousands and thousands of mail in Yahoo mail account waiting to be read? Don't create another account! And surely you don't have time to read them all or to mark them read one at a time. You wanna save time? Is it possible to mark all of them read ?... Yes ! Why not? At a touch of a button (hmm.. not really but..) yes! Just a few clicks. Here is how to:
1.Open your Yahoo mail account.
2.Right click on the Inbox button indicating the number of unread mail.
3.Select Mark All Read. And Voila ! That's all!
*In case nothing seems to happen, its probably due to a slow connection. So be patient and give it some time.
*If u run out of patience try opening a couple of mails.
You should see a purple box with a bar indicating the progress of reading. It should work as it worked for me. But remember to unsubscribe from all those contacts filling up your inbox. In case of questions or any problems, don't hesitate to comment below or e-mail me: Thank you for your time and All the best in life!!